
I get to go camping tomorrow! It is for a class so Matt wont be there, and I don't know many of the people in my class but it will still be fun. We are going somewhere in South Carolina to a historical museum are and we get to learn lots about war. I am kind of excited, kind of not. It has been a long time since I wrote, I have been super busy. Matt's leg is doing great, he doesn't need crutches and the stitches are out. His leg is still lumpy in odd spots, but that's the worst of it. We bought a new fish, an Oscar. It eats little tiny fish. We bought some and watched. It was a little disgusting. One of our other fish some how lost an eye, that happened atleast a week ago. He just died today. Probably for the best. Matt's basketball team is still in. YAY! GO North Carolina! I have been doing lots and lots of school work, but in my spare time I have learned to crochet! and I LOVE it! Matt wants me to sell my stuff on etsy, the problem is I like giving things away too much. I sent a few hair things to Steph for her and her kids. She sent me pictures from her phone!
I made this little headband, it is blurry but there are two flowers on it.
This is Kimberly sleeping. So CUTE! That is a little flower on a bobby pin I made.
On Wednesday Chelsea got on Skype with Autumn, Steph, Kimberly, Kylee, my mom, and grandma! It was amazing! Kimberly still mostly hates me for anyone who was wondering. She wouldn't stop and talk to me, she would yell and turn away from the camera. It was funny. Kylee is super cute and smiles all the time. Autumn's hair is SO LONG! and she can talk! I can't really understand her, but she can talk. It was the best day ever!

The Dooley Family  – (March 25, 2011)  

how fun! It's so hard to have family so far away. Yay, Skype! I can't believe you made that headband! Where'd you learn to do that!? AKA, how does ALAINA learn how to do that!?

Matt and Kim  – (March 28, 2011)  

do you have skype?? also i bought a little kit! i think it was less than 10 dollars, had 4 different sizes of needles and a book that explained lots of different kinds of stitches! It also has some patterns, but i looked online and found lots of different patterns that were ways cuter than in the book and they are all super simple! one time i didnt understand but i called my granny and she talekd me thorugh it. you should definitely try it out! and call me when you need help!!!! i ahve even made cute little baby booties for the girls in my ward ahving babies!!! practically free and adorable baby shower gifts :)

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