This Week Rocked

This week was awesome because I got to hang out with lots of old friends!  

First I got to see my old roomie, Karen.  She just had a baby who was WAY TOO CUTE! She looked like one of those babies in magazines that don't have the funny newborn look.  She slept most of the time, but she did open her eyes a few times and they are so pretty!!! She is gonna be killer when she gets older!  Karen and I got to catch up lots and I got to meet her hub finally.  It was great!! They also have an awesome cat.  And I don't like cats, but theirs had so much personality that I wouldn't mind having one if it was just like that! 

Friday was double awesome, well maybe triple or quadruple because of the people I got to see and the sweet stuff we did.  

First Chelsie, my friend from Montana, came over for lunch.  It was GREAT catching up with her, luckily she lives here so we are gonna have to hang out more!  We talked and laughed for hours and she modeled a lot of my scarves and hats.  Owen was in a bad mood when she got here, but he finally went to sleep and we got to take lots of pictures without having to worry about him.  Here are a few of my favorite pics,

And the best one...

Later that same day I went to see a friend from the mission, Suelen.  She is Brazilian and made us some delicious candy things and they taught be how to make coxinhas! OH HAPPY DAY!! They are WAY TOO GOOD!! And to make things better we stayed at her house while her hub and Matt took the kids and played at our house.  So no interruptions :)  They are basically a delicious mixture of chicken and seasonings surrounded with a yummy dough and then fried.  Making my mouth water!  She had a little business, sort of like a catering business where she makes all these yummy things and sells them.  If anyone from MT wants some just order them and I will bring them down for you this weekend.  You can see here list of things here.   I highly recommend the coxhinas, beijinhos (I normally don't like coconut, but these are so good!) and if you like chocolate then the brigadeiros are for you!  And like I said she is Brazilian so you really can't get any of it as good anywhere else.  Here are some pictures of the coxinha process.  

A bit of the chicken mixture...

The dough...

After the mixture is surrounded with dough...

Then dipped in eggs and bread crumbs...

Then fried... 

Then perfection.  

Suelen and her growing belly, AKA Nathan :) So cute!  

After we cooked these we went to my house and shared them with the boys (what was left of them that is.)  It was a perfect day!! 

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